Wednesday at 2pm(PT), July 1, 2020
Learn from MSK experts on how to masterfully handle every step of a MSK case


Pre-Conceptional counseling is a session with your healthcare provider during which you will discuss many aspects of pregnancy and create a plan for a healthy pregnancy. Individuals who are at an increased risk of acquiring the sickness in question or having children with the condition being screened for are identified via genetic screening.

Pre-Conceptional counseling checks the following:
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Mental disorders
- Birth defects
- Any pre-existing medical conditions
- Any allergies
- Any medications you may currently be taking
- Any previous pregnancies
- Your menstrual history
- Use of contraception
- Vaginal infections
- Vaccination
- Checking your heart, lungs, breasts, thyroid, and abdomen
- Doing a pelvic exam
- Recording your weight
- Testing for hepatitis
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Testing for thyroid issues
- Testing for HIV
Genetic screening checks the following:
- Relief from uncertainty
- Help make informed decisions
- Eliminate unnecessary checkups
- Prevent and monitor genetic diseases
- Identify genetic disorder

When should I make an appointment for pre-conception counseling?
You may need to make an appointment at least three months before you start trying to get pregnant.
Is there anything I can do to prepare for pre-conception counseling?
Maintaining weight, quitting smoking and drinking, taking vitamins, avoiding extra stress.
What is first-trimester screening?
This includes a test of the pregnant woman’s blood and an ultrasound test. These are usually done between 10-13 weeks of pregnancy.